The Telangana government has asked the Minorities Welfare Department to prepare an annual plan with an outlay of Rs. 1,000 crore for development of minorities and to constitute a commission to study and recommend a strategy for ensuring an overall growth of minorities in the State.
The committee will have to finalise the strategy for social and economic development and on providing reservations to the minorities in professional education and also in government jobs.
The government is also committed to make appropriate budgetary provisions for the welfare of the minorities.
The government has also decided to constitute a new Wakf Tribunal for Telangana State with a chairman of the rank of a district sessions or civil judge Class – I. The tribunal will have a member who will be an officer from the State Civil Services in the rank of an additional district magistrate and another member who is well versed in Muslim law and jurisprudence.
The AP State Minorities Commission Act of 1998 will also be amended and it will be called Telangana State Minorities Commission Act – 1998.
Subsequently, under this act, the government has decided to constitute Telangana State Minorities Commission, an official release said here on Wednesday.